Pro-Force has published its fourth statement covering its efforts to prevent modern slavery, human trafficking and other forms of labour exploitation within the business and supply chain, in line with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
2021 has seen the company invest further into its training, recruitment practices and accommodation to further protect the health, safety and welfare of its staff. Steps taken include:
Improving worker awareness of their rights by funding the Ukrainian translation of the Just Good Work app.
Partnering with the governments of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan to further mitigate risks to our recruitment supply chain for the Seasonal Worker’s Scheme
Further investment into brick-built accommodation
Partnering with research groups such as the University of Nottingham and De Montfort University, to further understand worker experiences and make improvements
Improving our worker feedback mechanisms and regularly surveying our staff to gather information on their experiences during recruiting, their time working and upon departure.

The key aims in 2022 are to drive improvement further forwards, and the following goals have been set:
Improved training on risk mitigation and rights for our employees and our associates, via our online learning management system.
Working to continuously improve our internal audit scores, which is structurally based on the Responsible Recruitment Toolkit
Collate effective data for improvement via response rate driven surveys, worker interviews and risk assessments
The full statement is available here.