Yesterday, within the historic halls of the Houses of Parliament, Sam Zubaidi, Director of Compliance at Pro-Force, took part in a pivotal event focused on a pressing issue: forced labour in the UK. This event marked the official launch of Justice and Care’s latest report, At What Cost? Exploring the Impact of Forced Labour in the UK.

The day began with a warm welcome and insightful overview of the report by Louise Gleich. This set the stage for a panel discussion, moderated by Ed Davies, Policy Director Centre for Social Justice, which delved into the complexities of modern slavery.
Throughout the event, a diverse range of topics was covered, including the meaning of remedy and justice, the role of supported work placements in recovery, and strategies for enhancing labour market enforcement. Contributions came from Louise Gore of the Jericho Foundation, David Camp from the Association of Labour Providers and Elysia McCaffrey, CEO of the GLAA, highlighting the collaborative efforts needed to combat forced labour effectively.
As the discussions progressed, it became clear that while there are challenges, there are also opportunities for meaningful change. Rt Hon Sir Iain Duncan Smith MP addressed the government’s role in tackling forced labour, emphasising the necessity of a robust framework for enforcement and support.
Reflecting on the event, Sam Zubaidi remarked, “The panel skillfully elucidated the widespread nature of modern slavery, even today and in a developed democracy like our own. Most movingly, a survivor of modern slavery shared their journey from India, where an unscrupulous recruiter exploited her for £28,000. Organisations such as the GLAA stepped in to help her. This account underscored the importance of amplifying survivors' voices and recognising the systemic flaws that allow such exploitation to persist. The discussions held at the Houses of Parliament serve as a powerful reminder that together, we can significantly impact the reduction of forced labour. By implementing and enforcing effective strategies, we can protect vulnerable individuals and work towards a future where exploitation is eradicated: Change is not only possible - it is imperative."
Sam's attendance at this critical event underscores Pro-Force’s commitment to compliance and addressing forced labour, a collective responsibility that requires the concerted efforts of businesses, government, and civil society.