Pro-Force are delighted to announce that our 2022 Modern Slavery statement is now live on our website.
In the statement, we summarise the steps we’ve taken to mitigate and eradicate modern slavery from our supply chain in 2022, for example:
Strengthening existing relationships and forming new relationships with governments in source countries
Further investment into and continued promotion of the Just Good Work app
Continuing to publish the results of our SWS worker surveys
Expanding the Compliance team to include a Compliance Officer
Carrying out 97% of our recruitment directly
Developing pre-departure orientation training with International Organisation for Migration (IOM)

Furthermore, we outline the work we plan to do in 2023, to include:
Working with the consultancy, Practical Ethics, to augment Pro-Force’s internal audit process to be in line with current best practice
Recruiting further Compliance staff, to bring the team to four – Compliance Director, Compliance Manager and Compliance Officer x2. This will enable us to further the proactive and preventative work we do to spot signs of and mitigate potential exploitation.
Continue to develop pre-departure orientation training with IOM
We dedicate ourselves to lead the industry for Compliance, hence, we will strive to always implement best practice and commit the necessary resources to achieve this.
We look forward to working together with key stakeholders in the industry to fight against Modern Slavery.