We’ve had some great international recruitment visits to Central Asia in the first quarter of the year. Thank you to all of those who contributed to the success of the visits and for the wonderful welcome that was received.

Some of the highlights from these fantastic and informative visits.
The Pro-Force team presented to and interviewed over 5000 candidates looking for opportunities in the UK.
We collaborated with G’s Fresh, one of the UK leading farming groups and users of seasonal labour, on a series of fantastic international recruitment days.
Jacob Bolton and Oliver Fisher from FLEX and Dr Oana Burcu, working within Nottingham University’s funded research programme ‘agricultural workers in the UK: the role of policymakers in the human rights remedy’ joined the visits.
Pro-Force CEO Mathew Jarrett met with His Majesty’s Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan: Nic Bowler and Directors from the Kyrgyzstan government to discuss the governance surrounding the Seasonal Worker Scheme.
We now continue to work to make the Seasonal Worker Scheme a safe, rewarding and positive experience for the workers that will undertake the journey to UK.